Anythink blog

Cheers! A Toast to Superb Wine Films

Feb 7 2014
The numbers aren't in yet for 2013, but 2012 was a record year for wine sales in the United States. More than 360 million cases of wine valued at $34 billion were sold in 2012. With numbers like those it's not surprising that here at Anythink we have hundreds of materials about wine. We have...

Start Again: Without a List

Feb 5 2014
All too often I find myself creating "to read lists" because I feel pressured. Sometimes I think I should read more literary fiction. Other times I feel like I should read everything on the New York Times Best Sellers list because doesn't everybody else? And then other times I feel like I should...

My Kind of Town: The World of Urban Fantasy

Jan 28 2014
Imagine the worlds of CSI, Brooklyn Nine-Nine, or Killer Women – but with vampires, ghosts, wizards or werewolves. Congratulations! You now have an urban fantasy. Urban fantasy is a very popular subgenre of fantasy where the setting is a real city, but the action revolves around the presence of...
"Attachments" by Rainbow Rowell

Reading Rainbow Rowell

Jan 28 2014
Just like when you meet somebody for the first time that you just know you’ll become great friends with, it’s wonderful when you find an author whose writing "clicks" with you. This is the kind of author whose books you would buy the day they came out, without having read any reviews, simply...

Go Play Inside: Nature Poetry in 5 Compelling Picture Books

Jan 27 2014
Poetry can open a window, allowing for a fresh look at a familiar view. These books of poetry for kids all focus on nature, word play and pictures, in ways that help readers rediscover the world outside. I found all five books to be delightful, providing both a quick read and a deep experience. The...

What's all the hoopla about? Streaming.

Jan 2 2014
Stream instantly. It's that easy. Hoopla digital, the latest resource available to all Anythink customers, allows you to stream a variety of media directly to your device, whether that’s a movie on your tablet or the latest album on...

My Year In Books: Highlights From 2013

Dec 30 2013
I will remember the year 2013 as the year I sat in on the trial of the first woman sentenced to die by the electric chair (The Trails of Maria Barbella: The True Story of...
Chungking Express Movie Poster

The Film Guide: Four Films That Will Leave You Questioning

Dec 26 2013
There are films out there that defy explanation of why they are enjoyable. Such films may have interesting characteristics that make it stand out, such as tone, trippy effects or an insane plot. Here is a list of films that grabbed me for some pretty unique reasons. They may not be for everyone,...

'The Book Thief' Hits the Big Screen

Dec 6 2013
Years ago, I read The Book Thief by Markus Zusak, which is quickly becoming a modern day classic and appearing on many high schools' required reading lists. It is one...
500 Days of Summer

Unromantic Romance Movies

Dec 4 2013
Romantic comedies can be light and fun, but I tend to enjoy more towards unromantic romance movies. Movies that have flawed characters and flawed relationships are more realistic to me. There are still laugh-out-loud moments in these movies, but they can also deal with intense emotions. These...
You must do something to make the world more beautiful. ~ Miss Rumphius

Lucky Me: Books to Read and Reread to Your Kids

Nov 14 2013
I recently came across a Family Circle comic in which the little boy is holding up a book to his dad and asks: "How would you like to be the lucky person who gets to read to me?" Immediately I thought of all the times I enjoyed reading a good book to my kids and I thought, Yes, I am the lucky one! ...
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Suicide Prevention: Resources for Teens

Oct 29 2013
Suicide is the third leading cause of death for 15- to 24-year-olds, according to a July 2013 report by the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry. Many teenagers turn to suicide as a means of escaping bullying. Depression, stress, pressure to succeed and self-doubt are just some of...


Oct 25 2013
Librocubicularist (n): A person who reads in bed. I am a librocubicularist. Most nights I go to bed with one or two or three books in my arms. It's not enough that there is a stack of books already by my bed! There's just something special about snuggling down with a stack of books around you! And...
John Chrastka, pictured above, founded EveryLibrary to help support library ballot measures.

EveryLibrary Helps to Shift Perceptions of Libraries at the Polls

Oct 9 2013
In late August of this year, citizens of Santa Clara County in California had to make a decision about funding their libraries: pass a measure during a special election and secure funding for their public libraries or see their libraries face cuts to programs, materials and possibly even staff. The...
Red Grange, by contract, had to sit out two quarters of every game during the barnstorming tour to save his health.

Fall Reads that Explore Football, Family and Food

Oct 3 2013
Shorter days, cooler temperatures and leaves changing color on the trees all signal the arrival of fall. I am always excited for this time of year full of fall festivals and holidays that refocus us on family after the busy summer months. I also look forward to the start of football season and the...

A Book to Leave You Filled with 'Wonder'

Sep 25 2013
You know that feeling you have after finishing an extraordinary book? The feeling that makes you want to stand up and applaud and shout "bravo" while trying not to cry, even though you have a huge smile on your face? The kind of book that has you saying yes, yes, yes over and over inside your head...

Recent Knowledge: Favorite Non-Fiction Books of the Summer

Sep 20 2013
Mixed in with many fiction books on my reading list are non-fiction titles that draw my attention. I usually read several books at a time, interchanging them based on my interest that day. Over the course of the summer, I read several great non-fiction books and wanted to share my favorites. In...
A doctor consults with a family.

Need Health Insurance? Let the Library Help!

Sep 18 2013
Need Health Insurance? In March, 2010, health care in America had its first major reform in decades when President Obama signed the Affordable Health Care Act into law. Changes have been and will continue to be rolling out in waves with the final adjustments taking effect in 2014. So what does this...
This book is simply delightful!

Find your next read in the reference section

Sep 10 2013
What comes to mind when I say reference books? Usually people say: encyclopedia, dictionary, atlas or almanac. Yes, those are great reference books. However, if that's all that came to your mind, then you probably haven't browsed the reference section of the library recently. It's a great place to...

Love reading? There's an app for that!

Sep 6 2013
Research conducted in early 2013 by the Pew Research Center on mobile Internet usage by adults shows 56 percent of Americans have a smartphone and 26 percent have an ereader. The research further notes that 55 percent of all cell phone owners use the Internet on their phone to check social...
