Tag: york

Fan Fiction Grand Prize Winner Hannah C.

Anythink York Street recently held a fan fiction writing contest that challenged teens to write an original story based on their favorite book, movie or TV show characters. There were nine entries, and each was outstanding. We are very proud of all our participants! After all was written and read, two stories rose to the top based on their quality of style, character building, world building, continuity and structure. The two winning stories happened to be by sisters! Congratulations to Elisabeth (10th grade) and Hannah C.

Traditional nursery rhymes are a fun way to connect the generations, but when you're tired of those, what can you listen to with your kids? There's actually a lot of kids' music coming out that's got a fun, modern sound that appeals to all ages but features kid-appropriate content. Here are some of the best new-school kids' albums available for check out from your local Anythink:

Watchmen by Alan Moore

Free Comic Book Day returns to Anythink York Street on Saturday, May 2. Stop by to pick up free comics starting at 10 am until we run out. Stay tuned for more upcoming comic-related events at Anythink in May. In the meantime, enjoy this repost from last year about why comic books matter by Anythink York Street guide, Michelle. 

