Blog posts tagged "Elmore Leonard"

Blog post

Sep. 23, 2019 - 12:58 pm
A heist story turns its audience into the accomplices of a crime. Other stories ask us to like or empathize with their characters. A heist story asks us to discard the ethics and morals we abide by in our daily lives. The main characters are criminals, stealing something that was never theirs to...
Blog post

Jan. 03, 2019 - 7:01 pm
Right now at Anythink Wright Farms we have a display called “To Great Endings and New Beginnings.” At one table are books and films with memorable last lines, while the other table features, you guessed it, items with memorable opening lines. I’ve been fascinated with great last lines for years; I...
Blog post

Oct. 26, 2018 - 3:26 pm
Writers, according to Stephen King, “must do two things above all others. Read a lot and write a lot.” With National Novel Writing Month just around the corner, plenty of people are going to be writing a lot in the coming weeks. But what should they read? King recommends getting your hands on...
Blog post

May. 16, 2018 - 2:43 pm
As the seasons change, so do my reading habits. Dickens is for the winter, and not just because of A Christmas Carol; something about his sprawling, tragicomic Victorian sagas feels uniquely suited to wintertime reading, preferably accompanied by a hot cup of tea. By contrast, I gravitate toward...