Tag: summer

Six jet planes fly across the sky in a triangular formation.

Things have been heavy lately. The news is horrible; if you’re like me, you have cut off a good portion of news for your sanity and self-care. The weather is hot and muggy; delightful June of cool nights and pool days will be a distant memory soon as we head into the dog days of summer. The pandemic has been long and is stretching out still, like a ghost over our heads. Changes have been made to our routines and to our relationships. Every decision right now takes a lot of brain power; inflation makes every dollar count. It’s all exhausting.

Then, bam! Dogfighting jets!

A woman reading by a pool

Picture it in your mind: the perfect summer day. Your children play quietly in the pool at your feet, glistening with aqua blue as the sun reflects off the water. Shadows of little waves dance across your face. In your hand is a cold beverage, sweating against your palm. You smell sunscreen touched with coconut, a hot dog sizzling on a grill somewhere, and the sharp hint of chlorine. With a smile, you reach down into your brightly-hued beach bag and pull out…

The open road is whispering your name. Can you hear it? The humming quickly becomes a roar as the first official day of summer approaches. What better excuse to bring the family together, explore and learn than the infinite possibilities of a road trip. Whether you are planning a relaxing Rocky Mountain weekend or a multi-state epic trip, your local Anythink should be your first stop to start checking off the pre-road trip list.

Summer has finally arrived and school is almost out. We all know what this means... more reading time! With that said, it's always nice to have a To-Be-Read (TBR) pile nearby so that you never run out of reads when they are desperately needed. Summer is notorious for having the perfect weather for cute contemporaries. I've compiled a list of my favorite contemporary books that I recommend for anyone who wants a light, fun summer read.

My daughter Whitney and I on her wedding day

Here we are in mid-summer, the peak of wedding season. This wedding season has been extra special for me. On June 16, my one and only daughter was married. What a roller coaster of emotions! But now I am an official member of the I Survived Being Mother–of-the-Bride Club. For months my days were filled with wedding planning appointments, phone calls, dress fittings, etc. Now that I am on the other side of all the prep and planning, I can look back on it all with a smile and a grateful heart for all the time my daughter, Whitney, and I spent together making her dream wedding come true.

Available at Anythink.

Summertime is the perfect time for charity work – school is out and opportunities are plenty. Helping others in need, making this world a better place and finding a niche you truly care about can instill a wonderful feeling inside of anyone. Volunteering is especially great for those students nearing the college application process or for those looking to broaden their horizons, since such work allows you to try out new things while building your resume or networking.

The Interrogative Mood

Summer is just around the corner and the kids are almost out of school, which can only mean one thing – road trip time! As a child I can remember my parents loading up the car to the gills and stuffing me and my two brothers in the back seat before setting off for another far corner of the country. After gorging on road trip snacks and wondering why Colorado seems to be so far from everywhere I would eventually get so bored that I would break down and read a book. These days I can’t wait to plan a road trip just so I can have uninterrupted reading time (besides the whole driving part).
