Tag: embryology

Young Anythinker Paige holds a baby chick

I had never seen a chick being born. Even when I was a young child living with my parents (and we had a chicken coop in the backyard), my only contact was when I was feeding them or gathering eggs. There was never a situation where I got to see a chick being born. I’m kind of sad about that now. To have the responsibility of making sure that the right conditions were met and that eggs were being properly taken care of to ensure birth would have been a wonderful life lesson for me.

Spring is my favorite time of year. I love everything about it. I love the clean smell of the rain, I love feeling the spring sunshine again, and I love seeing the first spring flowers peeking up through the snow. This spring, as the saying goes, has "come in like a lion," and I thought the snow would never end. But it seems it finally has, and summer is quick approaching. I've been itching to really get my hands dirty in the new community garden and start eating fresh food again.