Tag: center

February 23, 2017 - 2:15 pm to 3:15 pm
College 101

Are you an older teen or adult that wants to go to college but you don't know where to begin? We're here to help get you started! Anythink York Street, Mapleton Public Schools, and the Educational Opportunity Center at Colorado State University have partnered to bring you all the information you need to start on your college and career journey. Join us for a presentation by EOC representatives followed by the opportunity to make an appointment for individualized help. Topics covered will include the college admission process, referrals to GED and ESL programs, filling out a FAFSA, and more. EOC services are targeted toward first-generation students aged 19 and older, veterans, and at-risk youth, but anyone interested may attend. This information session will be held at Anythink York Street library on the Mapleton Skyview Campus. No registration required.

Adult, Teen