Tag: how to write a book

Photo of a woman in bed surrounded by books

There is a great Stephen King quotes that reads, “If you don't have time to read, you don't have the time (or the tools) to write.” It’s one of my favorite quotes to haul out when I’m talking to new writers because it contains so much truth: if you are wanting to write a book, then you need to be reading books. This statement is often met with enthusiastic head nods and more than a few sighs. I get it – who has time to read when writing a book on the side? We barely have enough time in this insanely oversaturated world for our own thoughts, let alone the time to read and write.

It starts with the whisper of an idea; a concept, an inspiration, a fresh take on something that has already been done. Perhaps it’s something you’ve seen, or a song that you heard. Perhaps you’ve read something and thought “I can do better.” Perhaps you’ve read something and thought, “What great heights to aspire to.” Wherever the idea comes from, you know it’s a good one – and just like that, the whisper has a name: you want to write a book.