Tag: family

So what exactly is all the hoopla about?

It’s about 24/7 instant streaming access to movies, music, books and more for free. Yep, free! Click here to create a hoopla digital account – all you need is your Anythink card and an email address.

Red Grange, by contract, had to sit out two quarters of every game during the barnstorming tour to save his health.

Shorter days, cooler temperatures and leaves changing color on the trees all signal the arrival of fall. I am always excited for this time of year full of fall festivals and holidays that refocus us on family after the busy summer months. I also look forward to the start of football season and the low-key Sundays full of family, friends and the taste of the fabulous food we share.

Children who are surrounded by books learn to incorporate reading into their daily habits.

As a parent who raised two avid readers and also had a number of child literacy experiences here at Anythink, I would like to share my ideas to get kids to love reading. I am lucky enough to talk to caregivers of all ages every day, and I have seen many behaviors that help our children get excited about books. I am leaving Anythink for a new adventure and wanted to pass along the wisdom that I have gained in my time here. Thanks to all the customers, young and old, who have made this a wonderful community. 

The busy holiday season is over. The family visits and day-long shopping trips have ended. The decorations are put away and the cookies and candy are almost completely consumed. Now what? For me, when the hustle and bustle of the holiday season is over and it's just me and my husband and son, I take a deep breath, look to the future, and try to find some happiness. What? Wasn't I happy when I was visiting family I haven't seen in years? Wasn't I happy when I was shopping my heart out trying to find that perfect gift for that special someone?

Today I found inspiration in the most unlikely of places – the Obituaries & Memorials of the Denver Post. Yep, that’s right, you heard me. Not in the words of the latest self-help guru or in the pages of the numerous religious, spiritual and motivational reading available, but right there, in the Denver Post obituaries.