Anythink and Adams County Announce Kerrie Joy as Inaugural Poet Laureate

Adams County Parks, Open Space & Cultural Arts (POSCA) and Anythink are proud to announce Kerrie Joy as the inaugural Adams County Poet Laureate, part of “Sincerely” – a joint initiative designed to connect the Adams County community through poetry. Joy will embark on a two-year residency, providing an opportunity to advance her art, advocate and promote her literature and work, and serve as a public face and idea ambassador for Adams County. A series of events will be hosted at various Anythink and Adams County locations during the next two years, and people will be invited to engage with Joy through both performance and writing sessions.
“One of the greatest impacts that I hope to have is that individuals fall further in love with themselves through these words and through these communal events,” says Joy. “That’s always the greatest hope.”
Joy is a poet, singer/songwriter, storyteller, educator, and revolutionary based in Denver. She channels her creativity through poetry, hip-hop, song, graphic design, and fashion. Through her role as Adams County Poet Laureate, Joy hopes to find beautiful ways to create poetry in the community and help residents fall in love with the artform and themselves.
“Sincerely” will enable Joy to connect with Adams County residents of all ages and backgrounds and to create original works inspired by their experience. In this inaugural year, Joy will spark and fuel civic dialogue, amplify voices, break down barriers between the community and poetry as an art form, and enrich the lives of Adams County residents through access to arts and culture. “Sincerely” will have three main components: a public programming series, commissioned poetry and original works, and public readings.
“Anythink is honored to collaborate with Kerrie Joy and Adams County on ‘Sincerely,’ bringing the gift of poetry to the residents of Adams County,” says Stacie Ledden, director of strategic partnerships for Anythink. “Kerrie’s passion for poetry, community, and representation will inspire future generations of poets locally. Many people may not yet see poetry as a tool for expression, healing, and cultural understanding – Kerrie is the perfect person to engage in these creative discussions while showcasing her own voice and talent.”
“The poet Kerrie Joy is a bundle of shimmering, compassionate energy,” said Evan Siegel, member of the Adams County Arts & Culture Commission. “She will leave you breathless, for her work presents a constant unfolding of ruthless self-revelation with a deep affirmation of her care for all of us. Yes, she will leave you breathless, and yet she will also fill you with life; for her poetry, while built on the rhythms of the ages, is grounded in our moment, reaching out to us to show us love and a way of living with nobility. You will want to hear her, you will want to be with her, and you will want to learn from her. It is our wish that the presence of Kerrie Joy will be a great gift for the people of Adams County.”
The competitive selection process included an open call for entry which was open to eligible Colorado-based poets with a connection to Adams County. Artists were required to have an established body of work including published/self-published works, reading/spoken word, and performance experience, as well as community project planning experience at the time of their application. Applications were reviewed by a Jury Selection Committee which was comprised of members of the Adams County Arts & Culture Commission and representatives from the Adams County Parks, Open Space & Cultural Arts Department and Anythink Libraries.
Sincerely launch video:
30-second version: