Anythink Startup Month launches in September

This September, Anythink is celebrating Adams County’s entrepreneurial spirit through programs, networking opportunities and partnerships during Anythink Startup Month. This month-long series highlights Adams County businesses and resources, with programming designed to help foster business and career skills. With special guest experts, including partners from Ricochet Ideas, Rocky Mountain MicroFinance Institute, U.S. Small Business Administration and others, programs are based on tracks that allow attendees to explore everything from design thinking and marketing to micro-financing and web design. Tracks include CONCEPT (ideation, vision, marketing and communication), CREATE (prototyping, making and design), CORE (nuts and bolts and logistics like business plans) and CONNECT (networking and partnerships).
“Small businesses make up the majority of Adams County’s economy, and at Anythink, we are looking for new ways to support innovation and the entrepreneurial spirit in our community,” says Stacie Ledden, director of innovations and brand strategy for Anythink. “Through eclectic workshops and networking opportunities provided by Anythink staff and our metro-area partners, we hope to spark new ideas, new career opportunities, and maybe even new business ventures here in Adams County – all through the local library.”
In addition to this robust set of programs, Anythink Startup Month includes The Anythink Mixer: Business, Beers and Banter on Sept. 21 at Bruz Beers, located in the Midtown neighborhood near Anythink Perl Mack. This event is an opportunity for small business owners and entrepreneurs to connect with one another and community leaders. Over beer and snacks, guests can also enjoy a variety of interactive experiences while learning more about local resources and business. For more details or to register, please visit
While the majority of Anythink Startup Month programs are geared toward adults, programs for children and teens will also be available to help inspire future entrepreneurs. A comprehensive list of the more than 35 Anythink Startup Month programs and experiences is forthcoming.
Click here to view the Anythink Startup Month brochure.
Click here for a comprehensive list of upcoming Anythink Startup Month programs.
Click here for upcoming CONCEPT programs.
Click here for upcoming CORE programs.
Click here for upcoming CREATE programs.
Click here for upcoming CONNECT programs.
Click here to register for The Anythink Mixer: Business, Beers and Banter.