Anythink issues a request for proposal for Café Services for Two Anythink Locations

Anythink is seeking a respected and experienced vendor (“Respondent”) to develop and operate cafés for up to three years at two locations:
Anythink Wright Farms (café opening in April 2025)
5877 120th Avenue
Thornton, CO 80602
Anythink Nature Library (library and café opening in June 2026)
136th Avenue and Quebec
Thornton, CO 80602
Anythink Libraries (“Anythink”) invites sealed bids from Respondents to operate cafés at two locations. Respondents are directed to the Scope of Work and Deliverables in this RFP for details.
Request For Proposal for Café Services
Anythink Libraries will accept e-mailed bids.
Anythink Libraries will not accept fax bids.
General questions should be directed to Mark Fink, Executive Director, at:
Anythink Libraries
5877 E. 120th Avenue
Thornton, CO 80602
Tel.: 303-405-3299